Official voice of the Fur Takers of America
Official voice of the Fur Takers of America
Fur Takers of America
FTA Circle of Friends
Fur Takers of America

FTA Circle of Friends

2022 Silver Lynx Circle

These donors pledged over $5,000.
Fur-Fish-Game Magazine
2022 Elusive Bobcat Circle

These donors pledged $2500 to $4999
Jeff Dunnier
Minnesota Trappers Association
Odon Corr Family
Pennsylvania Trappers Association
Iowa Trappers Association
2022 Clever Coyote Circle

These donors pledged $1000 to $2499
North Carolina Trappers Association
Barry Warner
Pennsylvania Trappers Association District #9
Pennsylvania Trappers Association District #1
Oregon Trappers Association 11
Chris Bezio
Kansas Fur Harvesters Association #42
Stephen Coale
South Dakota Trappers Association
Central Indiana FTA Chapter 7B
Robert Waddell
Kenneth & Gretchen Simpson
2022 Sly Fox Circle

These donors pledged $500 to $999
Joe Jack
Schmitt Enterprises
Minnesota Trapline Products
Edlon Dunstan
Louie Krumwiede
Illinois Chapter 17
New Hampshire Trappers Association
Illinois Chapter 17-I
Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association
RP Outdoors
Dwight & Marilyn Brown
William Kalinauskis
SE Indiana FTA Chapter 7G
2022 XXXL Mink Circle

These donors pledged $$100 - $499
Todd Kay, William Grulkowski, Howard Fritsch, Bill Guiles, Larry Jacobson, Harold Curry, Ryan Ruhl, Sasho Pole, Leroy Jensen, Dennis Johnson, Mike & Davis Sells, Mark Peters, Miller Family, Rob Beckman, Fred Phillips, Travis Bandy, Donovan Baldwin, George Blaney, James Gallaspy, Ken Vollmer, Herb Senderling, Steven Barnes, Marc Swain, Nicholas Halladay, Mark Hajny, Oral Jones, Gregory King, Mark Kohler, Gary Leistico, Jeffrey Mescher, Frank Ruegsegger, Lee Steinmeyer, Terry Swanson, Jerry Ripperger in Memory of Don Ostergaard, Pennsylvania Trappers Association District 8, Florida Trappers Association Affiliate 36, Idaho Trappers Association 5C, New Jersey Trappers Association 14C, Commercial Trappers of Minnesota, Northern Coastal Chapter of Maine, New York State Trappers Association, New Jersey Fur Harvesters, Union River Chapter of Maine, Columbia County Trappers Association, Montana Trappers Association, East Central Iowa FTA Chapter 16, Indiana State Trappers Association, South Dakota Trappers Association 39, Georgia Trappers Association, Pennsylvania Trappers Association District 3, Grawe Bait & Lures, Hoosier Trapper Supply, Duke Company, Keg Creek Baits & Lures, J3 Outdoors, Jameson's Ultra Blend Scent Co., Pingley's Professional Lures, Bailey's Trapping Supplies, Morelock Wildlife Control, WCT Magazine

Business Executive:
Cristina Jones - 908-982-8753

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Website by Hawk Mountain